Outside the Lines Art Studio hosts fundraiser benefitting Shine and Inspire

Many thanks to Danielle Ingeri from Outside the Lines Art Studio in Hamilton. She hosted a fundraiser benefitting Shine and Inspire at her studio and presented us with a check for $600! This will provide many children with much needed hygiene items, school supplies and non-perishable foods.

It’s a wonderful studio — check it out if you’ve never been there!

Outside the Lines Art Studio is also a collection site where you can drop off donation items for our Shine closets (over 30 closets in Mercer County schools)

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Women Who Move Mercer Donation

The Women Who Move Mercer delivered essential food items, personal hygiene products, and blankets to the Trenton Board of Education for their Shine and Inspire, Inc. closet.

Susan Steber, Carla Zara-Campanella, Marva Morris, Anna Marie Pratico-Radice, Joan George, Christine Barrett, Desiree Daniels, Gina Walicky Mazur, Donna Thomas and Vanessa Carabelli Stefanics

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Fundraiser: A Night to Shine Broadway Edition

What a fabulous night as we walked the red carpet and were transported to the lights on broadway. Everyone looked fantastic dressed as their favorite character from a broadway play, both present and past. It was hard to choose the Tony Awards for Best in Costumes!

The Broadway Balladeers wowed everyone with their amazing voices as they sung broadway songs from everyone’s favorite broadway shows. We were mesmerized.

Special thanks to our Red Carpet sponsor, The Arc of Mercer, and Showtime sponsors, A.W. Martin Construction and the Olsen Foundation. We also want to thank the people and businesses that contributed baskets and items for our famous Tricky Tray.

All of these beautiful photographs, by DoeRain Deane, captured the magic of the evening. We can’t thank her enough for all the support she continues to give Shine and Inspire!

Thanks to the support of everyone, we are able to make a difference in our community. Make a difference in someone’s life and it will make a difference in yours!

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Third Culinary Experiences Fundraiser at Louie’s by Chef Jason

Another successful fundraiser this time at Louie’s by Chef Jason (and celebrating Valentine’s day as people wore pink, red and of course, purple)! Everyone enjoyed an afternoon of Conversation, Connection and Cuisine while raising money to support our cause. If you haven’t tried Louie’s yet this is a must stop – the food was delicious and we appreciated them decorating the restaurant early for Valentine’s Day with flowers and balloons to make the event more festive.

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Women’s Empowerment Fair at RWJ Fitness & Wellness Center

Shine and Inspire was honored to tell our story at the Women’s Empowerment Fair hosted by the Rotary Club at the RWJ Fitness & Wellness center on January 20th! Carol Feldman, Carole Bursac and June Mahon at the Shine and Inspire booth.

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Children’s Winter Wonderland Event

In early December, Shine and Inspire held its Children’s Winter Wonderland Event for disadvantaged children and their families in Mercer County – over 100 children across 42 families!  Children from various agencies were invited, along with their parents/guardians, to enjoy an afternoon of pure fun and creative activities along with musical entertainment and a delicious lunch. There were crafts galore including making slime, decorating cookies, and making holiday ornaments, door hangars and cards.  There was also amazing temporary tattoos and face painting!

Each child went home with a winter jacket, hat, gloves, scarf, boots and clothing, plus a holiday present from their wish list.  Each children’s bag also included donations from other non-profits and organizations.  It was an amazing day with smiles abound from the families and the volunteers – truly the favorite thing that we do!

There are so many people to thank for this incredible event:

  • People or organizations that sponsored/donated or shopped!  We are so grateful – you made this day possible
  • Volunteers who managed craft tables, helped set up, and lent a helping hand where it was needed (with over 100 children it was needed a lot!)
  • The Civil Air Patrol with their flight simulators, drone demonstration, and how to make gliders and rubber band rockets – and helping these children to dream about a future in flying
  • DJ Jenny Bean who kept the children busy with dancing and games
  • Buxton’s Boxes for donating a truck to transport everything (we filled a truck and numerous cars there was so much)
  • Hairdressers Carlee and Crystal who gave free haircuts
  • Cinderella and Spiderman who brought so many smiles to the children’s faces
  • Stark and Stark for bringing an army of volunteers
  • Sherri and Booksmiles, who donated books for each child
  • Lala and Mimi’s Pajama Project for donating pajamas
  • Christine’s Hope for Kids who donated goodie bags
  • Project Linus for donating handmade blankets
  • The makers of Throglo that donated their game for each family
  • Kari who was on stilts for three hours while making balloon figures
  • Doe-rain Deane Photography who donates her time and talents to all our events
  • Angie’s cupcakes for donating her tasty creations
  • Trina and Dre for transporting families who needed rides to and from the event
  • New Jersey Wedding and Events who always prepares a fabulous meal (and are just wonderful to work with)
  • Verizon employees who donated toys – thank you Erika Karp

We always say that it takes a village to raise a child, and our community was so generous in making a difference for these children and their families.  We are so humbled and grateful.

Make a difference in someone’s life, and it will make a difference in yours …

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Brother’s 33 50th Anniversary Fundraiser

We are so grateful to have been one of the charities chosen for Brother’s 33 50th anniversary! Their goal was to donate $50,000 to charity by the end of the year, and as their nonprofit for the month of November, raised $4,337 for Shine and Inspire! This is an amazing family who is so community minded, and so supportive of us for many years. Our humblest thanks to the Carannante family and Brother’s 33!

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Partnering with Amerigroup to install a washer/dryer and refrigerator at the Gregory School

Shine and Inspire partnered with Amerigroup to provide a washer/dryer and refrigerator for the Gregory School in Trenton. So many don’t have access to washer/dryers so this gift will allow the school to make sure the children have clean clothes! The refrigerator will let them keep water and snacks and food for the children who are suffering from food insecurity. Everything affects a child’s self-esteem – not having proper access to hygiene items or food, and not having clean clothes (or not more than a few outfits to choose from). It’s hard to concentrate when you’re hungry…

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